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We are so excited to see the 2024 camp season becoming a reality.  The 2023 camp season was a continuation of the 2022 year of reuniting with old friends and making new ones.  We had many new families send their children to the camp to experience God's creation.  We also were able continue hosting a number of family outings at the camp that included Cowboy Daze, Wildhorse Ministries, and many singing groups at the Cowboy Church. In 2021 we began the idea, "How God uses us in our communities."  In 2022 the theme is "What is it that Jesus wants us to do in our communities for him?" and in 2023 will be continuing this theme. As our 2024 camp season is just around the corner, we are excited about the theme of "Here I am, Lord, use me." It is always great to have new faces at camp and it was great last year to see them learning about how Great God is and how any of us can be used to do extraordinary things for His Kingdom, thus causing us to use the 2024 theme.

As we are continuing to deal with COVID after effects, we are still having many projects that need to be done at the camp and we are in need of volunteers to come and help work on those projects. 

Cowboy Church at Muscatatuck Christian Ranch continues to meet on Saturday night with many talented groups scheduled in the next few months. Check out the Cowboy Church schedule on our website under the camp schedule.

We continue to ask for help for each camp season to pay for those campers that are unable to pay for their week of camp.  We are asking for you to pray and if God leads you to help please send $50 or $100 for a camper to the camp during the camp season, or any other time that God lays it on your heart to help.

As we continue to see the COVID restrictions being relaxed, we are also available for retreats if your church or organization wants to come and use the camp. 
Fall Family Round - Up Information
October 3 - 5, 2024

All information can be found on the FAMILY Roundup page.